How do I join Adspire?

Pretty easy. Download the app from your app store and sign up with your BVN, phone number and email address.

How is Adspire different from other digital banks?

With Adspire, what you see is what you get, no hidden or funny charges. Adspire keeps your money safe, and gives you a high interest on savings.

Does Adspire offer interest on savings?

Yes. In a year, you can earn up to 11% interest on your savings.

Where is Adspire’s physical office?

Adspire by Advans is a branchless digital bank that can be accessed from anywhere in Nigeria. In case you need to reach us, we have a 24/7 response team available to serve you. However, if you need to visit Advans La Fayette MFB, our parent company, we have 20 branches all over Nigeria. Please see below on the map.

Who owns Adspire Bank?

Adspire is a product of Advans La Fayette Micro Finance Bank, a member of the Advans Group, with presence in 9 countries, trusted by a million clients.

How much do I need to open a savings account?

No amount is required to open our digital account.

What is Adspire minimum balance?

The minimum balance is zero.

When do I get my earned interests?

Interest are calculated per annum, and pro-rated monthly. So you earn  some interest whether monthly and annually.

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